Social Media Marketing Of The Now

With her quick thinking and her disruptive impulsive behavior Gracie Opulanza manages to capture the essence of the moment, hereby creating unique content to be shared through social media.
Make Gracie part of your event, product launch or review and get access to her “on the spot” content to be shared through your channels.
A Unique Female Perspective

Does your marketing department need creative ideas on what works with females, Gracie Opulanza can consult?
Car brands have traditionally been reviewed and designed by males. With Gracie Opulanza you get a unique female perspective from someone that loves the emotional aspect of cars but does not talk in detail about numbers and tech. Gracie’s disruptive and passionate character and her love for opulence create a unique setting for car reviews. From her years of experience with car reviews for MenStyleFashion Gracie can deliver more for your brand.
Hotel Marketing & Consulting

Gracie’s experience of reviewing over 200 luxury hotels in Europe, Asia and Australia, gives her a unique insight into what works and does not work in the hotel industry.
Is your hotel struggling with differentiating itself from the competition? Do you want to have your current hotel services assessed or benchmarked? Are you lacking creative ideas to get more people to stay in your hotel or pay more, Gracie Opulanza can advise?