As I travel across the world what are my fashionable and lifestyle pit-stops that are bold and vivacious? How am I changing the conversation around luxury lifestyle marketing? Last year I was buzzing around the UK, with adrenaline, wrapped up in a toothy smile, whilst driving and experiencing the very latest of car technology. Noted within the car industry as a lifestyle driver, trending my runway fashion, in the most stunning locations of the UK.
I am on an adventure leading the way for the next generation of women, approaching everything with confidence and optimism.
I started my blogs in 2011, by attending fashion weeks. In 2018, the self-acceptance and challenges the fashion and beauty industries notions are in trying to convince us all, that not just conventional beauty is what they want to include.
So my advice is if an industry such as fashion, goes out in such a way to bully me, then your more powerful leaving it behind and moving on.
It is about timing and as usual a trend predictor will always come up against adversity.
In moving forward, I’m not vengeful or out to hurt anyone, even if they’re hurt me and my reputation in the past. I have wasted enough energy over the years and regret it very much. My advice is forgive and move one, as fast as you can. Don’t dwell on what happened. Learn form it and recreate your brand.
People’s rejection, is God’s redirection. It is why I ventured into lifestyle marketing. Best move I ever did.
My Street Style
It simply has never been my street style to buy into trends. I am an obnoxious trendsetter, to offend the trend followers, I am a rule-breaker.
I am making my own rules, for what is beauty! I always have and been bullied for it.
Since 2011, I have adopted this fearlessness and unshakeable self-assurance that has taken me to where I am today. Now, working with many luxury car brands, with 5Star hotels and restaurants. I am opting to trend predict within the lifestyle industry. In such a challenging industry such as the automobile industry, it is for this reason I love the challenge because what worked last year won’t succeed at all this year.
Living In The Moment
Experience in the industry helps me grow. It is not easy, but the more I hunt for new opportunities, the more confidence I gain. Last year I achieved the goals, by not giving up, despite the naysayers and challenges I faced along the way. 2019, is about perseverance, old brands no longer find me of relevance, I have come to accept that not all lifestyle brands want to work with me. I have to keep moving forward, take it personally. It’s hard, but it’s essential.
I am the company I keep, my family, friends and work colleagues say a lot about me. Negative, comments about me is part of the industry, suck it up, ignore and move on, I say.
Confident Woman In A Man’s World
Being at peace with myself in a man’s world is important. This has always been important for women who have conquered new things within an industry. You have to accept yourself, nourish yourself with love and self-talk. If you’re not at peace with who you are, nothing else will work out. You’ll end up annoying and isolating opportunities that may come your way. It’s the most important thing to try and find self-confidence.
In this industry of lifestyle, it’s more than just having the right outfit. You have to talk to so many people and adapt to different personalities. Selling yourself and trying to convince new brands and existing ones that you are worth the investment, is the biggest challenge for 2019.
Being paid in this industry is tough, it’s like getting blood out of a stone. Stand your ground and hunt for the right customers!
Taken Out Of My Comfort Zone
2019, prompted a refocusing of energy on my career. The result is a renaissance of sorts; the fierce resurgence of the Gracie Opulanza brand. At this point in my life, it’s really about less is more and working with brands that are open for new and innovative marketing ideas. In the past, I learnt along the way and was taken out of my comfort zone. Now it is about pushing the boundaries where no one else has ever delved into. Social media is saturated and to stand out from the rest of the crowd is tougher than ever.
Being in control, confident to ask for new opportunities is worth the risk of losing brands and moving forward. How I see it, if the investment is not there, then my time is up. I have been blogging since 2011, I know my market well.
I know myself better and by going through the hard times I’ve developed a great resilience.
Luxury Car Reviews
In 2015, the car industry came to me. In 2019, after reviewing millions of pounds of luxury cars. The challenge is to remain a sharp-shooter with a sensible mind and a laser beam- focus on staying power. I have always had a say in my styling and with everything that I do, I have a very hands-on approach, there’s always a true sense to my own brand on it.
Good work ethic was drilled into me from early on.
It’s why I am selective in whom I am going to consume my energy with this year. Excited to say, teaming up with new luxury car brands. Being loyal to those who have supported me as well.
I am a woman who lives a modern lifestyle that celebrates contemporary femininity, nurtures a dynamic role in culture and asserts a clear aesthetic point of view and identity.
See you at my next pit-stop?
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