Oh, darling, let me take you on a little journey through my closet—specifically to a shelf I have recently revisited. You see, my shoes have been lounging in storage for the past four years, gathering dust and memories alike. With my love for all things opulent, you’d think I’d be rummaging through my treasures more often. But as I was sorting through my collection, preparing for another glamorous video on Italian-made footwear, I stumbled upon a pair of brogues that stopped me in my tracks. A pair that, despite their beauty, carry a history so distasteful I’d rather toss them into the abyss of forgotten fashion.

These particular brogues, gifted to me by Grenson Shoes for a promotion during London Fashion Week, are nothing short of exquisite. Crafted with precision and embodying that quintessentially British charm, they were meant to be show-stoppers.

And oh, they were. But not for the reasons I’d hoped.

London Fashion Week, a time of glitz, glam, and relentless networking. I was dressed to the nines, every detail meticulously chosen to reflect my luxurious lifestyle. My brogues were meant to be the pièce de résistance of my outfit—a nod to British heritage, a subtle statement of power, and sophistication. Yet, they became something entirely different. Instead of admiration, these shoes attracted the wrong kind of attention.

Grenson shoes


Devaluing My Self Worth

Now, let me paint the picture for you. Picture me, gliding through the crowds, my confidence as high as my heels—well, brogues, in this case. I expected compliments, maybe even a few envious glances. Instead, what I got was a cold shoulder, whispers behind my back, and a sense of isolation that no one should ever have to endure, especially not in the world of fashion.

It wasn’t just the typical snobbishness that we all know too well; it was something more insidious. The staff representing the British Fashion Council, people who should have been allies, turned into a pack of wolves. Their glares were sharp, their words sharper. And what was their issue, you ask? My choice of footwear. Yes, you heard that right. My darling brogues, the very ones that had me twirling in front of the mirror with glee, became the target of their disdain.

I was bewildered. How could a pair of shoes, so beautifully crafted, evoke such negativity? I was bullied, plain and simple, for the crime of wearing something that didn’t fit their narrow view of what was ‘in’ at the time.

Blue womens suit

But beyond the fashion faux pas they perceived, there was something deeper at play.

Fashion has always been more than just clothes and shoes. It’s an expression of identity, a way to communicate without words. My brogues were supposed to say, “I appreciate tradition, but I’m here to break the mold.” Unfortunately, that message wasn’t received as I intended. Instead, it was twisted into something ugly—a reminder that even in the most glamorous circles, there’s no escaping judgment.

As I held those brogues in my hands, a wave of memories hit me. The snickers, the sneers, the backhanded comments—they all came flooding back. I had moved on, or so I thought. But these shoes, with their intricate stitching and classic design, were a painful reminder of a time when I was made to feel small in a world where I should have been soaring.

grenson shoes

Time To Let Go

I realized something then. Shoes, as much as I adore them, are nothing until someone steps into them.

They carry the energy, the experiences of the person who wears them. And these brogues? They had absorbed every bit of the negativity that was hurled at me. They weren’t just shoes anymore; they were a symbol of a moment I’d rather forget.

So, what does one do when faced with a pair of beautiful, yet tainted shoes? The answer was clear as day: let them go. It’s not about the shoes themselves, darling. It’s about what they represent.

No matter how stunning they are, no matter the craftsmanship, if they carry the weight of bad memories, they have no place in my life.

grenson shoes

I had to laugh at the absurdity of it all. Here I was, someone who loves to drape herself in the finest fabrics, the most exquisite jewelry, and the most luxurious shoes, being brought down by a pair of brogues. It’s almost poetic, isn’t it? But life is too short to hang on to things that bring you down, even if they’re as gorgeous as those brogues were.

The decision to part with them wasn’t easy. I’m a sentimentalist at heart, and these shoes were a gift, after all. But I knew in my heart that it was time to release them, to free myself from the past and step into the future—preferably in a pair of stilettos that scream confidence and power.

So, I did what needed to be done. I packed them up, along with all the memories they carried, and said goodbye. And as I did, I felt a weight lift off my shoulders. It was liberating, like shedding an old skin and revealing something new, something stronger underneath.

grenson shoes

What We Wear Can Shape How We Feel

I’ve always believed that what we wear can shape how we feel. Our shoes, especially, are our foundation—they ground us, quite literally. So why would I keep something that destabilizes me? I deserve better than that. We all do.

These days, my shoe collection is as vibrant and diverse as ever, full of pieces that bring me joy and confidence. I still love a good brogue, but now I’m careful about what energy I let into my life. I choose shoes that not only look fabulous but also make me feel fabulous. Because at the end of the day, isn’t that what fashion is all about?

So here’s to letting go of the past, one pair of shoes at a time. Here’s to stepping boldly into the future, with nothing but positivity and a killer pair of heels to carry me forward. And as for those brogues? I hope they find a new home, far away from me, where they can create new memories—preferably better ones.