Staying fit and healthy can be difficult at the best of times. Fitting in an exercise regime around your busy work schedule while also endeavouring to eat well and get plenty of sleep. It’s a big commitment and takes a lot of willpower.

But when you’re a shift worker operating at irregular and unsociable hours, it’s a completely different ball game. Without a regular routine, it’s hard enough to find the time to see your family and run your errands. Going to the gym and cooking nutritious meals are not always going to be at the top of your agenda.

But although working shifts poses a much greater challenge, with enough preparation and willpower, it is perfectly possible to enjoy a healthy lifestyle. Here are a few tips to get you started.


Create a weekly schedule

Your free time is limited and may change from week to week. That;s why it’s important to create a schedule so you can make the most of these periods. Each weekend, look forward to the week ahead and figure out when you are not working. Block out chunks of time for exercise, as well as socialising, sleeping, and day-to-day chores like shopping and doing laundry. Don’t forget to include time for your favourite hobbies too.

Plan your meals

With little free time, it’s understandable you don’t want to put too much effort into your meals. But it’s all too easy to fall into the trap of supermarket ready meals and unhealthy takeaways. Eating healthily does require more effort, but with the right planning it can be achieved. Plan your meals for the week, whether you’re eating at home or taking a packed dinner to work. Go  grocery shopping with a detailed list and factor time into your schedule for cooking and preparing meals. Batch cooking your dinners for the week will save you time (and washing up) in the long run, and saves you having to use mental energy during the week figuring out what to eat.

Make the most of your workouts

You only have a certain amount of time to work out, so make these sweat sessions as productive as possible. There are plenty of great YouTube channels and apps where you can find 30 minute workouts that target strength, cardio, or flexibility. These can be done anywhere, whether you’re at home, the gym, an empty office in your workplace, or even a hotel room. If possible, use your commute as a workout. If your place of employment is close enough, you could cycle, walk or run there and back.

Prioritise sleep

Sleep is one of the most important factors in our overall health. It allows us to recover from stress, regulates our emotions, and helps to maintain bodily functions. Without enough, you’ll find yourself irritable, low on energy, and susceptible to illness. Prioritise good sleep over anything else.

Use stress management techniques

Working odd hours can play havoc with your stress levels so find some coping strategies to help you relax. This might take the form of meditation, therapy, or just some simple self care at home. Look after yourself, and if the job is taking its toll on your mental wellbeing, consider looking for alternative employment.