I was absolutely floored when I discovered that some of our top athletes heading to the Paris Olympics are resorting to funding their dreams through OnlyFans. Yes, you read that right—OnlyFans. The platform known for its, shall we say, intimate content, is now a lifeline for athletes who should be getting their financial support from sponsorships. It’s honestly shocking. These athletes, who spend years perfecting their craft, are now stripping down to make ends meet. Where have we gone wrong when athletes, who give their entire lives to their sport, need to undress online to afford the road to Paris?
Paris Olympics Invested In USA Celebrities
And then, we have the likes of Celine Dion, Snoop Dogg, and Lady Gaga being paid top dollar to dazzle at the Paris Olympics’ opening ceremony. It feels like we’re living in a world where celebrity and controversy pay better than discipline and dedication. When did we start valuing a quick twerk over years of rigorous training?
Take Alysha Newman, for example—a stunning athlete who’s become just as famous for her OnlyFans account as for her athletic prowess. And let’s not kid ourselves, the real headline wasn’t her pole vaulting but her twerking after winning a medal. Now, don’t get me wrong, I love a bit of celebration, but what message are we sending to young girls and aspiring female athletes?
That shaking your assets is more rewarding than shaking up the world of sports?

This Olympics women are trending red lipstick
Gold Olympic Necklace
I am everything gold and I hope that the Olympic necklace she is wearing is 18ctr gold.
Where are luxury brands like Bvlgari or Debeers?
Where Are The Luxury Sponsors
Alysha is, without a doubt, model material. She has the looks, the charm, and the talent. So, where are the cosmetic brands like L’Oréal, who should be lining up to sponsor her? With hair like hers, she should be the face of a haircare line, not having to flaunt it on OnlyFans. Why aren’t these brands stepping up to the plate? And while we’re at it, let’s talk about nails—athletes today have impeccable manicures. Or makeup brands, how fabulous are her red lips?
Where’s OPI in all of this? They should be capitalizing on the chic and powerful image these athletes project, not leaving them to fend for themselves.
As a woman who loves luxury and opulence, I am baffled that we’ve let things slip this far. Athletes embody grace, strength, and perseverance—qualities that should be celebrated and monetized by high-end brands. Instead, we see influencers, who often bring little to the table besides their latest dance move, raking in the big bucks. It’s infuriating.
Social Media Influencers
Now, I’m no stranger to the power of social media influencers. They have their place in the modern marketing landscape. But when it comes to role models for my daughters, I’d much rather they look up to the women competing in the Paris Olympics than the latest TikTok star. And let’s be honest, who would you prefer your teenagers idolize? A woman who’s dedicated her life to becoming the best in her sport, or someone famous for her latest social media stunt?
It’s not just about the money, though that’s certainly a big part of it. It’s about what we, as a society, value. Are we more interested in the superficial—how someone looks or acts online—than in the true grit and determination it takes to be an Olympic athlete? Sadly, the answer seems to be yes, and that’s a real tragedy.
The disconnect is astounding. We have athletes who could be powerful brand ambassadors—strong, beautiful women who represent the pinnacle of physical achievement—yet they’re overlooked in favor of influencers whose main claim to fame is their follower count. It’s time for brands to wake up and realize the goldmine they’re sitting on. Not only could these athletes drive product sales, but they could also inspire a new generation of women to pursue their dreams, no matter how difficult the path might be.
Women Competing Are Recognized For Their Talent
When I watch the Paris Olympics, I’ll be looking at more than just the scores. I’ll be thinking about how we can change this narrative, how we can ensure that the women competing are recognized for their talent, not just their looks. And I’ll be reminding my daughters that hard work and dedication are worth more than a million likes on Instagram.
We need to put our money where our mouths are. Let’s start by demanding that brands invest in these incredible women. Let’s make it clear that we value what these athletes represent, not just their appearance. And let’s support them in ways that go beyond a monthly subscription to OnlyFans. It’s high time we redefine what it means to be successful, and that starts with recognizing and rewarding the real stars of the show—the athletes.
In the end, it’s about more than just funding a trip to the Olympics. It’s about respect. It’s about acknowledging the years of training, the sacrifices, the blood, sweat, and tears that these athletes have poured into their sport.

Olympic gold medal-winning diver, Jack Laugher using Onlyfans to fund his Olympics
And it’s about making sure that when they stand on that podium, they do so not just as Olympians, but as women who are valued and respected for all that they are.
As we approach the Paris Olympics, let’s push for change. Let’s encourage brands to step up and support these athletes in a meaningful way. Let’s show our daughters that being strong, talented, and dedicated is worth more than any social media trend. And let’s make sure that when these women take to the world stage, they do so with the full backing and recognition they deserve.
So, here’s to the women of the Paris Olympics. May they be celebrated not just for their beauty, but for their strength, their perseverance, and their unwavering dedication. And may we, as a society, finally start to value what truly matters.
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