The charm of Le Marche, nestled in central Italy and caressed by the Adriatic Sea, cannot be overstated. This enchanting region, with its diverse landscapes, from pristine beaches to rolling hills and majestic mountains, is a paradise for those who appreciate history, art, and culture. And let’s not forget the cuisine – oh, the cuisine! If you’re like me and love to indulge in the finer things in life, then buckle up – preferably in a Bentley GTC – and let’s explore Urbino, a gem that boasts World Heritage status.



Driving Around The Steep Hills

As I drove my Bentley through the winding roads of Le Marche, I felt a sense of excitement bubbling up inside me. The lush greenery and picturesque vistas were like something out of a Renaissance painting. Each turn brought a new delight, a hidden vineyard here, a quaint village there. The drive itself was an experience, with the smooth ride of my Bentley making the journey even more enjoyable.



Arriving in Urbino, the city’s grandeur immediately struck me. This isn’t just any university city; it’s a treasure trove of Renaissance art and architecture. The entire city seems to whisper secrets of a bygone era. Walking through its steep, cobbled streets (yes, comfortable trainers are a must), I couldn’t help but marvel at the intricate details of the buildings. Each one told a story, and I was eager to listen.


The Palazzo Ducale stood out as a testament to the opulence of the past. Built by Duke Federico da Montefeltro, it’s a stunning example of Renaissance architecture. The grand staircases, the majestic rooms, the priceless artworks – every corner of the palace oozed luxury and history. I found myself lost in time, imagining the lavish parties and the opulent lifestyle of the dukes and duchesses who once roamed these halls.

Art lovers, prepare to be dazzled. Urbino houses the National Gallery of the Marche, where masterpieces by Piero della Francesca and Raphael adorn the walls. I spent hours here, my eyes feasting on the vivid colors and intricate details of the paintings. It’s easy to see why Urbino is considered a cradle of Renaissance art. Each piece seemed to come alive, telling tales of love, power, and beauty.



After soaking in the art, I needed to satisfy another of my passions: food. Urbino did not disappoint. The local cuisine, with its rich flavors and fresh ingredients, was a delight for my taste buds. I dined at a charming trattoria, where the pasta was homemade, and the wine flowed freely. The truffle dishes were to die for, and the desserts? Let’s just say I had more than one serving of the tiramisu. Each bite was a reminder of why Italian cuisine is celebrated worldwide.



But Urbino isn’t just about history and food. It’s a city that lives and breathes culture. The University of Urbino, founded in 1506, brings a youthful energy to the city. Students from around the world fill the streets, adding a vibrant, dynamic vibe to the ancient city. I found it fascinating to see this blend of old and new, tradition and innovation.


The locals, with their warm smiles and welcoming nature, made my stay even more enjoyable. I struck up conversations with shop owners, artists, and students, each eager to share their love for Urbino. Their passion was infectious, and I felt a deep connection to the city and its people.

Shopping in Urbino was another highlight of my trip. The boutiques and artisan shops offered unique, handcrafted items that you won’t find anywhere else. I treated myself to some exquisite leather goods and a beautiful piece of jewelry that now serves as a cherished memento of my visit.

Le-Marche-Italy-entrance Le-Marche-Italy-entrance

One evening, I joined a local wine-tasting tour. Le Marche is known for its excellent wines, and I was eager to sample them. The tour took us to a family-owned vineyard nestled in the rolling hills. As I sipped on the velvety red wines and crisp whites, I learned about the meticulous process that goes into winemaking. The passion and dedication of the winemakers were evident in every sip. By the end of the evening, I had a newfound appreciation for Le Marche’s wines and a few bottles to take home.

For a bit of relaxation, I visited the local thermal baths. The warm, mineral-rich waters were incredibly soothing, washing away the stresses of everyday life. As I floated in the thermal pools, I felt a deep sense of contentment. This was the epitome of luxury, and I savored every moment.

Le-Marche-Italy-entrance Le-Marche-Italy-entrance

Le Marche, and Urbino in particular, offer a perfect blend of history, culture, and luxury. Whether you’re an art enthusiast, a foodie, or someone who simply enjoys the finer things in life, this region has something for you. The opulent lifestyle I experienced here was a dream come true, and I left with memories that I will cherish forever.

As I drove my Bentley back through the scenic roads of Le Marche, the sun setting in the distance, I couldn’t help but feel grateful for the experiences I had. Urbino had captured my heart with its beauty, history, and charm. It’s a place where the past and present coexist harmoniously, where luxury and simplicity blend seamlessly.

urbino-Le-Marche train

So, if you’re planning a trip to Italy, make sure Urbino is on your itinerary. Bring your sense of adventure, your appreciation for art and history, and your love for good food and wine. And, of course, don’t forget your comfortable trainers for those steep, cobbled streets. Urbino awaits, ready to enchant and inspire you, just as it did for me.