I have been googling images of our famous female artists for 2015. I can honestly say women pop stars versus porn stars seems to be the same. I can’t tell the difference anymore. Who are the right women to encourage younger female artists how to dress and behave on the stage let alone on the red carpet? Who can we trust within the music industry as role models? Who are the women of performing arts for 2015 where we can honestly say that their voice is stronger than their naked bod?. It’s what’s between your legs that count. Why do famous women who have the power to say no, choose to believe that sex and porn sells within the music industry.

Who Is Mentoring Our Young Female Artists?

Who is mentoring famous young pop stars like Miley Cyrus and Britney Spears? Who, within the music industry, is advising them how to continue a life of stardom and fame? Who could they trust as a mentor? Who would they respect and not be able to ignore some harsh truth and reality about the life as a famous music artist? Why is it that women, more so than ever, are continually been told that exploiting your naked body on stage is the only way to get to the top of the charts? That your singing talent is secondary to the reality of who you are. Who on earth is controlling the minds of these young precious women regarding the marketing of themselves for 2015 as female pop stars? Let’s face it. How many young girls are imitating their every move, then to be seen in the school playground?

Pop Stars Versus Porn Stars

Well it seems that whoever is controlling the music industry seems to be stuck in the porn star era. I mean if we look at porn stars and women in pop, it is really becoming very similar. Nowadays women that can’t sing but look like a porn star are more marketable compared to those women who can sing. Beyonce, Rihanna and Jennifer Lopez can sing alright, however that just seems to be not good enough anymore. Maybe it is due to the internet age and how you can download music for free. This has cost the music industry billions in losses and one they will never get full control of. Could this be the reason why now female pop artists are told to dress like porn stars to get to the top of the music charts?

Nothing Compares 2u – Sinead O’ Connor

Who could give us a cold harsh reality of how the marketing of women within the music industry really works? Who could tell us the truth? If there were only more celebrity pop stars such as Sinead O’Connor who would give us this insight. In this letter to Miley Cyrus back in 2013, she tries to enlighten Miley to think about how she is allowing the music industry to market her.

The music business doesn’t give a shit about you, or any of us. They will prostitute you for all you are worth, and cleverly make you think its what YOU wanted … and when you end up in rehab as a result of being prostituted, ‘they’ will be sunning themselves on their yachts in Antigua, which they bought by selling your body and you will find yourself very alone.

None of the men ogling you give a shit about you either, do not be fooled. Many’s the woman mistook lust for love. If they want you sexually that doesn’t mean they give a fuck about you. All the more true when you unwittingly give the impression you don’t give much of a fuck about yourself. And when you employ people who give the impression they don’t give much of a fuck about you either. No one who cares about you could support your being pimped … and that includes you yourself.

Sinead O'Connor


I just can’t put more images of how Miley really looked on stage. This was the soft porn version.

Define The Difference

In-fact read the definition of a porn star the marketing is actually almost the same.

  • Show off your assets. Make your breasts look bigger and your butt look rounder.
  • Wear sexy clothes and costumes. Your ability to look like a porn star largely depends on your makeup and clothing.
  • Be flirtatious  Body language is an underestimated aspect of sex appeal. Make sure you know how to smile with your eyes to make your charms as genuine as possible. Flirting is about communicating with your body language.
  • Play the part. Porn tends to emphasize traditional gender roles, so women might want to try to do something sexy like lap dancing  or pole dancing.


What Is The Definition Of A Pop Star

In 2015 it will be only a matter of time before one of these pop stars will walk that red carpet wearing nothing at all. Therefore, the degradation of women seems to linger on through our most talented famous women who could show us a little more respect. Historically it seems Hollywood stars and Pop Stars are actually the same. The trend for female singers seems to be more on relying on their bodies, rather than their voices.