Is it time for a family road trip? If this is something that you’ve been looking into, there are certain things that you’re going to need to do to ensure that it goes smoothly. We know that the last thing you want is for your trip to go wrong, and that means that you’re going to have to put some effort into making it the best it can be.

In this article, we’re going to be taking a look at some of the various things that we think you should be doing, and the things that you should know. It’s not always going to be easy to get this right, but as long as you try your best, you should at least be on the right track. So, let’s get into it, shall we?


Decide Where You’re Going

The first thing that you’re going to need to do is decide where you’re going, and where your final destination is going to be. We know that when some people go on road trips they like to go where the wind takes them but you can’t really do this when you have kids to account for. You have to know where you are going, you have to plan out a route, and you have to generally have a good idea of which way you want to go. Now, sometimes you have to adapt your route as needed due to weather, due to closures and so much more, but that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t come up with a plan.

The best way to work out what route you want to take is to work out where you want to end up. That way, you can look at all of the different options that you’ve got, deciding which one is going to be the best for you and your kids. Think about the total amount of time you’re going to have to be in the car as well, as well as how many miles it’s going to be as a round trip.

Work Out Stops Along The Way

When you’ve decided what route you’re going to take, you can then start working out what stops you’re going to make along the way. You need to think about places to stop and sleep, and this is true whether you’re in a car or an RV. If you’re in a car then you need to find hotels to stop at, and if you’re in an RV then you need to find RV parks where you can park up for the night, and then move on again in the morning.

You’re also going to have to stop for food, because as many snacks as you may pack, you still need to eat meals. Think about this when you’re planning your stops, and account for the fact that you will have to take bathroom breaks. There are a lot of things to consider when planning out your stops, so take some time doing them! This is also not to say though that you can’t add unplanned stops if they are needed.

Plan Cool Activities

While you’re on the road, you need some entertainment, right? You can’t just sit there in silence the whole time because that would be super boring and nobody wants that. So, you’re going to have to think of some fun things that you can do while you’re driving around, but you’re also going to need to think about activities to stop for along the way. For example, are there any theme parks on your route? If there are, then this might be something worth stopping at for the day so that you can all stretch your legs and have a great day before you continue on your journey.

Ask your kids what kind of things they would like to do, and think carefully about what you can reasonably do without getting too tired. There won’t be something to do in every place that you visit, but that’s okay! If you are going to be out all day, then you’re going to need to do this near a place where you can rest so that you don’t have to drive after a day of activity.

ferries wheel

Stop When You’re Tired

That leads us quite nicely into our next point, which is that you need to stop and rest when you are tired. There is no reason that you should be behind the wheel if you are tired, and if nobody else can drive then you need to rest for the night. Not only are you more likely to cause a collision on the road, but you are also likely to cause more pedestrian accidents if you’re tired as you won’t be concentrating on what you are doing. This is not okay, and it will be entirely your fault.

So, if you feel as though you are sleepy, tired, and as though your judgement may be impaired if you were to get behind the wheel, don’t do it. You can delay your trip by a couple of hours or a day, but you cannot take back an accident once it has happened. We cannot stress this enough to you, it is not worth it for the sake of a few hours. You are far better off getting the rest that you need and then being raring to go, rather than trying to make it through when you know you’re bone tired.

Hopefully, you have found this article helpful, and now know what you should be doing if it’s time for a family road trip. You just need to make sure that you stay organized and on the right track as much as you can so that everyone can enjoy the fun. Remember your road trip is supposed to be something enjoyable that you all do together to spend time together, and you don’t want this to be ruined by anything. The more you plan, the easier it will be for you to have a great time, so keep that in mind.