For four years and the last fourteen weeks, my family of four and I embarked on a grand adventure across the enchanting regions of Umbria and Tuscany. Our mission? To find the perfect long-term rental. Every day, I turned my thoughts upward, silently asking God to guide us to something truly special. I’ve always believed in the power of prayer, and this journey was no exception. But oh, dealing with Italian real estate agents! They’re slower than an ant and only slightly faster than a snail. This experience has tested my patience more than rebuilding our lives after our house burned down. Honestly, growing a business seems like a walk in the park compared to navigating the Italian property market.

The Parting Of The Red Sea

Then, last week, a miracle happened. We stumbled upon a house that didn’t just tick all our boxes – it overflowed with everything I had been praying for. You see, God always seems to give me more than I could ever ask for in my silent prayers. My passion for farmers is preserving olive trees and dreaming of living among them was finally within reach.

From the moment I touched the first ancient olive tree on the property, I knew it was our future. It felt as though my life depended on it. I’ve always dreamt of owning olive trees and now, we were on the brink of living amongst thousands of them. I also desired an unfurnished home, one that had low-cost water, a solar system for electricity, and of course, a swimming pool. Incredibly, within a week, the deal was signed, sealed, and delivered.

Umbria Church

The Olive Tree Plantation

We are moving into a home owned by one of Tuscany’s renowned olive oil producers. It’s surrounded by an endless sea of olive trees, with an infinity pool that offers breathtaking views of this green ocean. Imagine a vineyard nearby, producing some of Tuscany’s finest wines. The bathrooms are brand new with endless hot water, and there’s a fireplace that’s as grand as a castle’s. No furniture, just the pure, unadulterated beauty of the Tuscan countryside, straight out of a movie like “Under the Tuscan Sun.”

This year, I prayed for the chance to retrieve my gold from storage after four long years, and next week, that prayer will be answered too. The power of prayer never ceases to amaze me.

Never give up. Pray to Jesus and see what wonders it can bring.

Living in Italy has always been my dream, and this new home feels like a dream come true. The rolling hills, the golden sunlight filtering through the olive groves, and the scent of ripe grapes ready for harvest – it’s a sensory overload in the best possible way. Every morning, I wake up to the sound of birds chirping and the gentle rustle of olive leaves in the breeze. It’s a far cry from the hustle and bustle of city life, and I couldn’t be happier.

Tuscany Vineyard

olive trees

Wine & Olive Trees

The local community has welcomed us with open arms. Our neighbors, mostly olive farmers and winemakers, have been incredibly kind and generous. They’ve shared stories, tips on the best local wines, and even invited us to their homes for hearty Italian meals. The sense of community here is something I’ve rarely experienced before, and it’s heartwarming.

One of my favorite parts of our new home is the infinity pool. It’s not just any pool – it’s a tranquil oasis overlooking the vast olive groves. I often find myself floating on the water, staring up at the clear blue sky, feeling an immense sense of peace and gratitude. It’s moments like these that make all the struggles and prayers worth it.

I also love spending time in our vineyard. There’s something magical about walking through rows of grapevines, knowing that soon, they’ll yield some of the finest wine in Tuscany. I’ve even started learning about winemaking, and who knows? Maybe one day I’ll produce my own wine, crafted with love and the finest grapes Tuscany has to offer.

olive tree hope prosperity (2) Frantoio Olive Oil Tuscany Lucca 2020 Gracie Opulanza made in italy (11)

New Begginings

Our home is a work in progress, and I enjoy every moment of making it ours. From choosing the perfect rustic furniture to planting a garden full of fragrant herbs and colorful flowers, it’s a labor of love. Each small detail adds to the charm and beauty of our Tuscan retreat.

My passion for preserving olive trees continues to grow. I’ve joined a local group dedicated to protecting these ancient trees and promoting sustainable farming practices. It’s a cause close to my heart, and I feel honored to be part of it. These olive trees are not just a source of livelihood; they’re a symbol of Tuscany’s rich heritage and natural beauty.

As we settle into our new life, I reflect on the journey that brought us here. It wasn’t easy, and there were moments when I doubted we’d ever find our dream home. But through prayer and perseverance, we did. This experience has strengthened my faith and reminded me of the incredible power of silent prayers.

So, to anyone out there who feels lost or overwhelmed, remember this: never give up. Keep praying, keep believing, and keep pushing forward. Miracles happen when you least expect them, and sometimes, they exceed your wildest dreams.

olive trees

Under The Tuscan Sun

Life in Tuscany is everything I hoped for and more. It’s a life of simple pleasures, profound beauty, and deep connections. Every day feels like a blessing, and I cherish every moment. From sipping coffee on our terrace to exploring the charming local villages, there’s always something new to discover and enjoy.

God answered my silent prayers in ways I never imagined. He led us to a place of peace, joy, and fulfillment. Our new home in Tuscany is not just a house; it’s a sanctuary, a place where dreams come true and where we can build a future filled with love, laughter, and endless possibilities.

So here’s to the power of prayer, the beauty of Tuscany, and the magic of believing in your dreams. May you find your own slice of heaven, just as we have found ours. Cheers to new beginnings, endless adventures, and a life well-lived under the Tuscan sun.

Tuscany Siena Hills 2022 italy (1) Tuscany Italy summer travel 20022 instagram (4)