The museum of vintage handbags was situated in a lovely canal house in the centre of Amsterdam, part of the UNESCO World Heritage Canal Ring Area of Amsterdam, displaying the development of bags and purses from the Middle Ages to the present day.

This year it closed down. I wanted to revisit why beautiful fashion needs to be preserved for a woman. I have no idea where these bags are now stored?

Over the years there has always been that common question, mainly asked by men.

How many handbags do women really need?

Vintage Purses And Handbags – History Of Weaponry Bags

The Story Of Handbags

The history of handbags is most intriguing and how it all came about both for men and women.  From the earliest stages of civilization, bags and purses were practical everyday articles used by men as well as women. They were necessary for carrying money and other personal items since clothes hadn’t yet been fitted out with pockets.

Museum of Bags and Purses in Amsterdam Gracie Opulanza (18)

We know what they looked like from paintings, prints and tapestries and the few historical handbags preserved in museums. Such antique bags are rare because they were mostly made out of perishable materials. You can read more about it here.

I am not a huge fan of handbags, to be honest. Currently, in my wardrobe, I own no more than twenty bags and mostly are due to purchases made many years ago. I am a huge lover of leather and studded handbags. I guess one of my reasons is my lifestyle at the moment is all about travelling and therefore I opt for mans-bags. Mainly backpacks at this stage. I do however have a bag I bought at a market in Amsterdam over 15 years ago and it is a treasure indeed.

Museum of Bags and Purses in Amsterdam Gracie Opulanza (5)

Imelda Marcos

Imelda Marcos love for handbags and purses was an example of a woman owning 5000. Beaded clutch bags are still used in 2021.

Vintage Purses And Handbags – History Of Weaponry Bags

Vintage Purses And Handbags – History Of Weaponry Bags

Museum of Bags and Purses in Amsterdam Gracie Opulanza (8)

Leather Clutch bags

The fashion messages wearing these bags are just truly chic.

Vintage Purses And Handbags – History Of Weaponry Bags


This was the only place in the world where you will find so many beautiful, valuable, playful and exciting handbags in one collection: from historical highlights from the 15th century to the timeless classics of modern design from the most famous designers.

Elizabeth Taylor Museum of Bags and Purses in Amsterdam (2)

Elizabeth Taylor

Style icon Elizabeth Taylor was a lover of clutch handbags

Elizabeth Taylor Museum of Bags and Purses in Amsterdam (1)

Cloth clutch bags were used for an evening out to wear your victory red lipstick.

Vintage Purses And Handbags – History Of Weaponry Bags

Doctor Bags

Still worn by women of today the doctor leather bag is an iconic bag.

Vintage Purses And Handbags – History Of Weaponry Bags

This museum has enlightened me to explore those archives of handbags and start investing in some statement pieces. Handbags that will literally stop other women in their tracks.

Plastic Clutch Bags

Plastic clutch bags with mixed materials and dried flowers are just stunning to look at. A great sustainable message here too.

Vintage Purses And Handbags – History Of Weaponry Bags

Vintage Purses And Handbags – History Of Weaponry Bags

I love how they used dried flowers to create a very feminine clutch bag.

Vintage Purses And Handbags – History Of Weaponry Bags

Vintage Purses And Handbags – History Of Weaponry Bags

Brands like Delvaux are historical vintage bags that one come purchase even today.

Clutch Bags As Art Collections

If only bags like this were created today? These clutch bags are art pieces. I could not put a value on any of the bags you see in this article.

Vintage Purses And Handbags – History Of Weaponry Bags

Vintage Purses And Handbags – History Of Weaponry Bags

Margaret Thatcher

The bags worn by politicians like Margaret Thatcher were worn as a powerful fashion statement of control.

Thatcher’s play on image consciously elevated her from grocer’s daughter to armour-coated power player and her handbags were her most important piece of weaponry.

Vintage Purses And Handbags – History Of Weaponry Bags

Launer handbags was her favourite British handbag used.

Vegan Handbags

Not intentionally but vegan handbags were already made amongst these vintage bags.

Vintage Purses And Handbags – History Of Weaponry Bags

Vintage Purses And Handbags – History Of Weaponry Bags


This green lovely clutch bag worn by Maddona in the 1980s was gorgeous.

Museum of Bags and Purses in Amsterdam Madonna (1)

Vintage costume fashion was wonderful to see here too. Who better to showcase fashion through the eighties than Maddona herself.

Museum of Bags and Purses in Amsterdam Madonna (2)