You know that intoxicating feeling when you unbox something new, something special? It’s like Christmas morning meets a fashion show, and as someone who relishes an opulent lifestyle, trust me, I don’t unbox just anything. Enter the Holborn Classic Eco-Friendly Leather Bag, a piece that I had high hopes for and, dare I say, delivered—mostly. Let’s get into the details, and yes, there’s plenty to discuss.

First things first, this is not just another bag—it’s eco-leather. Now, eco-leather is a plant-based material, and the moment I heard that, I envisioned myself as some sort of eco-warrior, saving the planet one fabulous accessory at a time. How chic, right? Who knew sustainability could be luxurious?

When the bag finally arrived after a bit of a waiting game (more on that later), my initial thought was that it looked rather classic. I’d go as far as saying it’s the Audrey Hepburn of business bags—timeless, elegant, and understated. It doesn’t scream for attention, but it subtly demands appreciation. You know that friend who walks into a room and doesn’t need to speak because everyone already knows she’s fabulous?

That’s the Holborn Classic Tiara Everday Tote bag in brown.  And believe me, in the world of opulent handbags, that’s a rare and very welcome trait.

The Arrival: Waiting Games & Fragile Packaging

Let’s talk about the arrival first, though. I ordered the bag, excitedly counting down the days, but alas, my patience was tested. Two weeks. Two long weeks of wondering if my new bag had gotten lost in some luxurious Italian villa. Well, no, it wasn’t sunbathing in the Mediterranean. It was, of course, stuck in customs. While I might have been impatient, I could hardly blame the Holborn Classic team. After all, luxury is worth the wait, or so I told myself, as I frantically tracked the package for the 37th time.

When it finally arrived, the packaging wasn’t quite what I expected. It was a bit…fragile. You’d think for a bag as luxe as this, it would come in a box fit for royalty. Instead, it was a bit underwhelming. I’ll admit, my heart skipped a beat as I gingerly unwrapped it, praying to the fashion gods that it wasn’t damaged in transit. Luckily, it wasn’t. Crisis averted.


The Design: Chic Simplicity

Now, let’s get to the bag itself. Upon first glance, it’s not going to knock you off your feet with avant-garde designs or bold statements. No, the Holborn Classic Eco-Friendly Leather Bag is all about simplicity. But here’s the thing—sometimes, simplicity is exactly what you need. I don’t always want to walk into a business meeting looking like I’m fresh off the runway. Sometimes, you want something that blends in but still exudes sophistication.

The Holborn Classic is perfect for that. It’s the kind of bag that gets second glances, but only from those who understand true quality. The stitching is flawless, the press studs have a reassuringly sturdy feel, and the YKK zip glides like butter. It feels expensive, and that’s key when you live a lifestyle where only the best will do.

The Leather: Love at First Smell… or Not

Now, here’s where things took an interesting turn. You see, eco-leather smells. And when I say smells, I don’t mean in that intoxicating new-leather way. It’s more of an “I’ve been fermenting in a plant pot” kind of smell. Not exactly what I expected when I signed up for an eco-friendly accessory.

You can imagine my horror when I opened the bag and was hit with a wave of this unexpected aroma.

I tried airing it out. I tried lavender sachets. I even considered leaving it outside overnight, but I wasn’t about to risk a nocturnal encounter with the neighborhood cats. After two days, I finally reached out to Holborn Classic. Their response? Completely understanding. Apparently, this is just a quirk of eco-leather. It’s like that eccentric relative who means well but always shows up to family dinners wearing a questionable outfit. The smell fades with time, they reassured me, and sure enough, after a few days, it started to mellow out. So, if you’re getting one of these bags, just be prepared for a bit of an olfactory adventure at first.


Founders Feedback On The Smell

Firstly, thanks for the feedback on the quality of the bag.  We’ve received a lot of positive feedback for the bag’s compact, modular design. It’s appreciated for its versatility, as it functions well both as a work bag and for everyday use. The bag is made purely from plant extracts and we have been selling it in our prime markets successfully – and yet no one has complained of the smell so far. If there is a smell it must have been due to the packaging material which you can easily erode by spraying some fragrance on it. The effort we took to send it to you and make sure you receive it in a time and place of your choice is equally important as your brand value and I hope you would appreciate that. My resource has spent quite some time trying to figure out the logistics aspects in delivering the item to you as you yourself seemed to be confused about where to get it delivered. I would appreciate it if you could post it on your blog as agreed and promised by you.  Looking forward to your positive response.



I can’t help but feel a little smug carrying this bag. Not only does it look fantastic, but it’s also eco-friendly. There’s something undeniably satisfying about knowing you’re making a small difference while looking fabulous. As someone who loves indulgence, I often feel a pang of guilt about the impact luxury can have on the environment. With this bag, though, I’m able to enjoy both worlds. It’s like eating cake and not gaining a single pound.

The bag is sturdy yet soft, with a texture that feels almost too good to be true for something plant-based. It’s not as supple as traditional leather, but that’s a small price to pay when you’re making an environmentally conscious choice. Plus, the compliments I’ve received? Let’s just say they’ve made up for any initial doubts I had about eco-leather.

Functionality & Practical?

Now, let’s talk about function because, let’s be honest, a beautiful bag is worthless if it doesn’t hold all your essentials. I’m pleased to report that the Holborn Classic performs admirably. I can fit my laptop, a notebook, a makeup bag (because obviously), and still have room for a water bottle and a couple of snacks. It’s like Mary Poppins’ carpet bag, but with way more style.

And the weight? It’s surprisingly light. I half-expected it to feel like I was carrying around a small child, but no, it’s comfortable even when full. It’s practical enough for work but still sophisticated enough to pair with a chic outfit for post-work cocktails. Versatility is everything in my world, and this bag offers it in spades.

The Verdict: Luxe Meets Eco-Conscious

So, would I recommend the Holborn Classic Eco-Friendly Leather Bag? Absolutely. Yes, the packaging could have been better, and the initial smell was…an experience, but these are minor hiccups in an otherwise love affair with this bag. The understated design, the sturdy construction, and the fact that it’s eco-friendly all make this a worthy addition to any luxurious wardrobe.

It’s a bag for those who appreciate the finer things in life but also want to feel good about their choices. If you’re someone who values sustainability without sacrificing style, then this bag is for you. It’s perfect for work, but it’s also elegant enough to take out for an evening. It’s the kind of bag that doesn’t shout—it whispers, “I’ve arrived,” and sometimes, that’s exactly what you need.

Now, excuse me while my teenager daughter struts into my next meeting with my Holborn Classic. Because being eco-friendly never looked so good.