Salvatore Ferragamo. Ah, the name alone drips with the essence of Italian craftsmanship, luxury, and that unmistakable air of opulence. But does the quality live up to its reputation? Sit back, darling, and let me take you through my experience. Spoiler alert: it’s a love-hate relationship.

Now, don’t get me wrong—I adore Ferragamo. The brand oozes class, sophistication, and an elegance that just screams wealth. I mean, who wouldn’t want to flaunt those iconic shoes or a bag that whispers “I have arrived”?

But, here’s the twist—those dream pieces can sometimes turn into nightmares. As I sit looking at the Tuscan sunlight here on my Olive tree plantation I ponder?


The Watch Made In Switzerland

Let’s start with my watch. A stunning piece, of course, at €2500. The craftsmanship, the attention to detail, the way it shimmered on my wrist made me feel like royalty. Until it didn’t. Two months in, and boom—it stopped working. Dead. Completely lifeless. Now, I don’t know about you, but for €2500, I expect a watch to tell the time for years, not months. I remember the moment so clearly—sitting at an event, casually glancing at my wrist, only to realize the watch had betrayed me.

For that price? Unacceptable.

Salvatore Ferragamo Review - Why Do My Products Damage So Easily? watch

The Belt

Next, let’s discuss the belt. Oh, my beloved Ferragamo belt. I thought it would be my forever piece—the classic buckle, the butteryleather, the subtle elegance that made any outfit a masterpiece. I paired it with everything—trousers, skirts, even a daring dress or two. But, after just one season, the buckle literally fell apart. Fell. Apart. One minute it was cinching my waist like a dream, the next, I was left clutching the pieces of what was supposed to be a symbol of enduring luxury. Trust me, no one looks chic picking up belt bits from the floor.

Salvatore Ferragamo Review - Why Do My Products Damage So Easily? Salvatore Ferragamo Review - Why Do My Products Damage So Easily?

The Bag The Paint Leaks

And now, for the pièce de résistance: the handbag. Oh, what a beauty. A floral print that made my heart sing, leather so supple it practically melted in my hands. But then, the inevitable happened—the paint on the leather began to leak. Yes, you read that right. Leaking paint on a handbag that should have been an everlasting icon of Italian excellence. I remember sitting there, staring at it in disbelief, thinking, “Did I just spend a small fortune for this to happen? Is this what I get for trusting Ferragamo?”

Now, I love my luxury. Anyone who knows me knows that I don’t mind splurging for quality, for something that will last. But when I invest in a brand like Ferragamo, I expect perfection. Or at least, close to it. I mean, isn’t that why we buy luxury in the first place? For the assurance that what we’re getting is not just beautiful, but also built to last? Apparently, Ferragamo missed that memo when they designed my pieces.

You might be asking, “Why continue buying Ferragamo then?”

Salvatore Ferragamo Review - Why Do My Products Damage So Easily? Salvatore Ferragamo Review - Why Do My Products Damage So Easily? Salvatore Ferragamo Review - Why Do My Products Damage So Easily?

Well, darling, the answer is simple: they’re still stunning. The designs, the way they make you feel like you’re part of a glittering, exclusive world of Italian glamour—it’s irresistible. I still get compliments every time I wear that broken belt, now held together with a DIY fix, or carry that leaky handbag. People stop and stare. It’s Ferragamo after all, and who can resist the pull of that name?

But at the same time, there’s this lingering sense of betrayal. It’s like dating the most gorgeous man who turns out to be unreliable. You still swoon when he walks into the room, but you know deep down, you deserve better. That’s Ferragamo for me—a tantalizing, glamorous heartbreaker.

Let’s take a step back to consider what’s happening here. These pieces come at such a high cost, yet the quality doesn’t always reflect the price tag. And no, it’s not just me being picky. I’m all about luxury and understand that sometimes things happen. But when multiple items—expensive items, might I add—fail me in such a short span, it raises eyebrows.


Could It Be A Shift In Production Standards?

Maybe Ferragamo, like so many other heritage brands, has fallen into the trap of mass production, sacrificing quality for quantity. Or perhaps they assume their name will carry them through any customer complaints. Who knows? What I do know is that as someone who cherishes opulence, I expect more. I expect these products to not only look good but to endure the lifestyle that comes with them.

And don’t even get me started on the customer service. Trying to get a response from them felt like pulling teeth. When I contacted them about my watch, they brushed me off with a “We’ll look into it” email that led to absolutely nothing. I mean, darling, if I’m spending my hard-earned euros on your brand, at least have the courtesy to acknowledge when something goes wrong.

Is that too much to ask?

Salvatore Ferragamo Review - Why Do My Products Damage So Easily? red floral bag

But here’s the thing: I’m not giving up on Ferragamo just yet. Call me an eternal optimist, but there’s something about the allure of those designs that keeps me coming back. It’s the way the shoes make my legs look longer, the way the bags add that finishing touch to every outfit, the way the belts cinch my waist just so. I suppose I’m hoping that maybe, just maybe, Ferragamo will hear my cries and bring back the quality that made them a household name in the first place.

Until then, I’ll continue to wear my battered Ferragamo pieces with pride, because despite their flaws, they’re still Ferragamo. And isn’t that the ultimate paradox? Loving something even when it doesn’t love you back quite the same way.

So, my fellow lovers of luxury, if you’re considering diving into the world of Salvatore Ferragamo, be prepared. You’ll look fabulous, no doubt. But don’t be surprised if your investment doesn’t last as long as you’d hoped. And if you do find yourself clutching a broken belt or a leaky handbag, just remember—you’re not alone. We’re all in this glamorous mess together.

And with that, I’ll leave you with one final thought: maybe Ferragamo is like the perfect red lipstick. It might not last all day, but for those few glorious hours, it makes you feel like a queen. And sometimes, that’s enough.