Hello, fabulous readers! Let’s dive into a topic that’s as hot as my morning espresso—menopause. Yes, darling, we’re going there. Imagine this: you’re sipping champagne in your opulent villa, yet underneath the lavish lifestyle, there’s a hormonal hurricane.

 Research reveals that 73% of divorcees point their manicured fingers at menopause for their marital woes. Let’s unpack this, shall we?

Menopause isn’t just about hot flushes or night sweats. Oh no, it’s much more dramatic! Picture me, an elegant lady, navigating a myriad of physical and psychological symptoms that even Dr. Samantha Wild, the glamorous health guru at BUPA, would empathize with. She rightly points out that oestrogen influences every body function, leading to a cascade of unexpected issues.

Silk Kimono: A Summer Delight

I Am Fatter And More Angry

I’ve put on 10 kg. My once serene nights are now sleepless marathons. Every noise grates on my nerves, turning me into a diva with a short fuse. My sanctuary has become the guest room, away from my dear husband, just to find some peace.

And heaven forbid anyone tries to hug me or, worse, talk about sex. My requests for solitude aren’t about him; they’re about preserving my sanity.

Hormones during perimenopause are like the stock market—wildly unpredictable. Oestrogen and progesterone levels fluctuate, messing with serotonin, the happiness hormone. This drop leaves me irritable, anxious, and prone to outbursts. I worry incessantly about my teenagers’ futures, my fragile health, and the ever-looming condominium payments. Ah, the trials of maintaining a glamorous lifestyle!



I homeschool my children while battling mold issues that trigger relentless coughing fits. I visit the bathroom more frequently than I care to admit. Business matters drive me to the brink, and I often flip out more than ever. All this, while jet-setting and indulging in the finest things life offers.

PMS, once a minor inconvenience, has now transformed into a relentless beast. Understanding that hormones are to blame doesn’t help when I feel overwhelmed. My attempts to distance myself from the emotional chaos often fail. But I have my coping mechanisms—rosemary and lemon tea, a strict no-sugar, no-chocolate regime, and freezing showers. They help, but they don’t solve everything.

Silk Kimono: A Summer Delight

Despite the challenges, my life is filled with moments of beauty. I live between Italy and Thailand, where endless coconuts and massages are part of my daily routine. Yet, even in paradise, anger from other women sometimes targets me, whether I’m parking my car or simply enjoying my day.

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Divorce Is Not The Answer

I often tell my husband we should divorce and leave me in peace. With three properties at my disposal, I could escape anytime. But I realize that, for now, my family is my anchor. They remind me of what’s truly important amid the luxurious chaos.

Ladies, as we navigate this tumultuous phase, let’s embrace our opulent lifestyles with humor and grace. Menopause may be a formidable adversary, but with a touch of elegance and a lot of self-love, we can conquer anything. I get into my Bentley, wear silk and drive to heal for a few hours.

Keep living, laughing, and loving, no matter how turbulent the journey gets.

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This personal account captures the essence of my opulent yet challenging journey through menopause. It’s a wild ride, but one I wouldn’t trade for anything. To all the fabulous women out there, remember: you’re not alone. Let’s face menopause head-on, with style and a dash of humor. Cheers to us!