Women over fifty are the trendsetters when it comes to vintage fashion. icon like Sophia Loren has always lived the opulent lifestyle when it comes to vintage clothing.

The amazing thing about travel is that every now and then I come across a unique person who is a lover of vintage eyewear.

Gaudi Vintage Glasses

Her vintage glasses were just purchased from a vintage boutique called BLOW in El Born, Barcelona. They are a unique Gaudi design. Yes, Gaudi is famous for his colourful work all around Barcelona. An amazing art creator of building and fashion.

The color of this eye-wear was a spectacular purple.

The amazing combination of a magnetic image of Gaudi teamed with rosemary beads just gave it such a chic look.

The quirky flies on the lenses are just outrageously fabulous.

This lady is truly an inspiration that you can buy vintage fashion and turn it into your own personal style.

Turning Fifty Style Tips

She is a clear example you can wear clothes, strut the image and not care what other people think. Have a look at how she has teamed the whole outfit together and makes colour blocking. If you seeking inspiration for women turning fifty here are some more stylish tips.

I know for sure that Iris Apfel would be envious just of the colour combination alone.

vintage gaudi eyewear

Love the Spanish pink inspired vintage skirt and victorian blouse.

vintage gaudi eyewear

Gaudi Beads

If you are seeking reading glasses that are inspired by these Guadi beads then look no further than these made in Italy brand called Fassamano.

Fassamano Capri Polished clear gold

vintage gaudi eyewear