Fashion can have many political influences. Jackie Kennedy surely set the example of that. She was truly the 1960s style icon. She showcased a number of different styles and smashed numerous trend customs, replicating the cultural activities of the time.

Let’s select a few of her famous opulent lifestyle 1960’s trends.

How To Get Your Own 1960’s Style

The First Lady, Jacky Kennedy was the most powerful role model to aspire to. So you and I can take a look at her own personal style.

The modern woman’s pillbox hat was invented by milliners in the 1930s, and gained popularity due to its elegant simplicity. Pillbox hats were made out of wool, velvet, organdy, mink, lynx or fox fur, and leopard skin, among many other materials. The pillbox hat was a winner and women wore suits, usually in pastel colours, with short boxy jackets and over-sized buttons.

Pillbox hat Jackie-Kennedy

Geometric Dresses

Geometric dresses, known as shifts, were a winner too. She looked powerful and so elegant in this dress.

Jackie Kennedy 1960s dress

Team them with layered pearls and it’s a Chanel advert right there.

Evening Wear

Evening wear consisted of full-skirted gowns with a daringly low décolletage and close-fitting waists.

Queen Elizabeth with Jackie Kennedy

Capri Trousers

Capri trousers, worn by women of any age.

There have been numerous modifications which developed such as culottes, box-shaped PVC material clothes as well as Go Go shoes or boots.

capri trousers

Stiletto Heeled Shoes

Stiletto heeled shoes were widely popular and worn everywhere.

Chanel Stiletto Heeled Shoes


Her hairstyles, were clean, wavy, and great examples of lots of curls thanks to the curly wand.

jackie kennedy - 1960's fashion

Vintage stores are the best bet for finding the original 1960’s fashion. Or in your grandma’s house ask if you can have a peek at her wardrobe if she lived in this era.