I have no idea how I got Covid 19? My symptoms were high fever, sore throat, coughing up green mucus. Exhaustion meant I slept loads. I had an aching lower back and a very low emotional well-being. I can’t remember the last time when I got the flu. Let’s say ten years ago. In fact, I don’t get sick.  Except I get coughing fits every year that lasts a month and this occurs a lot. I always got a runny nose and that has been all my life.

I am my own doctor and take my tips as you will. But I do know that it saved me from being in hospital. Do your own research and remember God made natural medicine for a reason.

How Contagious Is Covid?

I notified all the people I came in contact with. That in total was 18 people. Including my children, they all got tested and no one has Covid 19? Just me and my husband and his symptoms are so different to mine. He is continuously sleeping with an occasional fever.

Body Stress Relief

I have this treatment as often as I can and it has helped me distress. Just simply prodding of pressure points and it really puts balance into my body, soul and mind. I also have acupuncture and deep tissue massages. I always am mindful of tension in my upper and lower body.

I believe this combined with me using the following, natural remedies like herbs, spices, diet and essential oils is why I got sick but fought for my life.

Gracie Opulanza Flowers Tuscany

I have been ill for ten days. Still not recovered. I expect an overall one-month recovery. But who knows? I am fit, imagine if I was not? I eat fresh produce and am not overweight.

Oregano Oil

Oregano essential oil is a natural antibiotic. So when my throat was burning one drop morning and night with honey made here locally.  It killed my hurting and burning throat. It tastes like crap and burns your inner mouth. However, it stopped my aching throat within hours. This oregano oil is powerful so only take it for ten days.

Eat it with chocolate if you need to.

Bay leaves And Sage

On the estate here in Tuscany I have access to limitless bay leaves and sage. I combined this with hot water. Within the hour I was vomiting green mucus. This was so powerful and it cleared my lungs within days. I drank it as often as I could and each time I would cough up the mucus.

bay leaves


I could have got really sick but I forced myself to drink, stay warm and asked for help when needed. This is important you do so and stay off your phone. Listen to your body screaming when it says to rest. Sleep when you can and don’t go running around.


I boiled hot water and loads of rosemary for two hours. Rosemary is another fighter for infections and healing for my cough. I also used the water as a conditioner for my hair.


My hair feels soft and smells lovely.

Covid 19 Italy

The medical team are amazing, superheroes. Here in Italy, they come to my villa as I wanted to stay home.

Mint Tea

I have access to fresh mint which is wonderful for the respiratory system. I also use it in other foods too. I like to alternate so my liquid intake is high. Covid is all about high fever which can dehydrate you. Drink as much as you can and I had to force it down.

mint Tea

Again, make sure you drink warm drinks as much as you can.

Peppermint Oil

I useI use Doterra oils. essential oils for my lungs and placed them on my chest and under the balls of my feet. And got a family member to massage the oils between my shoulder blades. This is brilliant for my lungs. Covid attacks the lungs. Make sure you measure your oxygen with a reading tool. My lungs are inflamed due to the beating of coughing. I believe my lungs were weak before covid. From travelling a lot, being older and I also live in a very old and cold villa for 8mths.

I have not sought medical advice or been to a doctor for two years. So when I was told by the doctor yesterday they were concerned for me regarding my lungs. I was shocked.

You see, covid creeps up. I had no issue with my breathing, unlike my husband.  The pulse oximeter reading should be no lower than a count of 95. If it is, ring an ambulance straight away. The doctor said to me, that covid loves the lungs.

Covid 19

A scanner that measures my lungs. Buy one for your home for peace of mind.

We had a home visit after ten days of being ill. I am now on corticosteroids tablets. I am shocked but I am going by the doctor’s advice. Don’t mess about with lungs always go with your body instinct.

Turmeric & Ginger

This is great for anti-inflammatory and I have in my food and in a tea. Great for my lungs. Mix it with ground pepper as this helps the body obsurb the tumeric.


Oil Diffuser

I use this night and day, combing lemon, peppermint, oregano and lavender oil. I burn this as a healer for my respiratory system. I love the sound and the smell of this.

Roses And Flowers

I am blessed I live on a massive estate with endless roses and herbs and views. I can walk in an open space with olive trees. Sounds of birds and access to fresh produce.


I have money to get what I want. This is not a reality for many people. Why so many die.

I can exercise whenever I want to. I am on a massive stunning estate. I sleep next to these roses and love to see them when I am awake. Get yourself flowers whenever sick. Nature has always been my best friend.



I loved the Christian God and am always in a constant state of spiritual mindset. It is truly why I believe I have been saved. Covid is hard going and my family and friends are all freaking out. This is why I recommend watch who you share with regarding Covid. Numerous times, I was told I am gonna die. Fear-mongering is not good advice when you are fighting Covid.

Watch what you read, who you listen to and pray, eat, pray, love and speak scripture too.


This is so hard to do. That is why wearing and burning lavender oil will help you remain calm. Anxiety is a killer in itself so do what you can to still your mind. For me, it is roses, birds and watching a funny movie.

Whatever you are, eat, pray and Spa. Look after yourself. Always contact loved ones. Make sure you build your network as support is needed. I needed help and thank god I had that help.

I read scripture all the time and pray I mend in better condition than ever before. I have lost weight as I did not feel to eat. That is ok for a while. Fresh spicy soups as they are easy to digest.

I serve a faithful God.