What one reads and thinks about constantly will determine the way ones happiness will evolve. I often speak my future into being. I think and state aloud what I want to live like.
My state of mind is why I am having one of the happiest times during lockdown.
During the first lockdown, my only outlet was my social media. Be brutal and delete social media if you can’t mentally handle abuse or debates about the lockdown.
Don’t Compare Your Life To Others
I was locked up in a tiny flat with my family of four. Unable to walk outside or have outside space to take in the fresh air.
Delete Negativity
I deleted people who made me feel worthless and not encouraging me during the lockdown. By doing this it got me to a state of mind to make a massive life-changing decision.
For my mental health and my families well being. l decided to sell all my possessions and leave my country I was in for ten years.
Its the best 2020 decision ever made regarding my living situation. By leaving my current living situation which was terrible for lockdown. It literally propelled my life into a fruitful one. I grew my business and am doing new collaborations with new brands.
How many people can say that for 2020?
But if my mental state of mind was not my number one priority. There is no way this could have ever happened.
Exercise the mind and talk to people who encourage you to think positive and live a less stressful life.
Italy Venice
Work Versus Furlough
I have an online business l can work anywhere.
Those privileged people like the UK and Australia that get paid to sit at home during this pandemic are the first to judge others who don’t.
The Road Less Travelled
I am a leader, not a sheep. I live each day as it comes. I know what is best for me and my state of mind. I do this simply for my mental health. It’s why I am so happy where I ended up for the next lockdown that I predicted would come. I chose a beautiful estate with endless space so when lockdown two came. I would be sure this time I was mentally sound.
I know that flowers make me mentally sane, I sleep with roses from the estate for my mental well being.
I listened to no one but my gut instinct. This is fruitful because my mindset was not stressed it was calm during the summer months after lockdown. I planned for the second lockdown because I never wanted to experience what I did the first time around.
I actively seek peace in my life and am brutal to get rid of material items and people who upset my peace.
Watch What You Read And View On TV
The Grass Is Never Greener
One Challenge At A Time
Reinvent Yourself
I am a luxury lifestyle journalist and covid destroyed all my hard work regarding hotel reviews, car reviews and travel. Most people I built up a work network with have lost their jobs. My state of mind is a positive one. I never give up and my eyes are wide open to new opportunities.
Here is an example of me reinventing myself with the skills I learnt reviewing over 300 hotels.
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