Do you ever ponder what your furry friend is attempting to convey to you? Dogs have their own method of communicating with their owners and interpreting their behaviour can be challenging. But fear not, for decoding your dog’s behaviour is not an impossible task. Knowing your dog’s language as a dog owner will strengthen your relationship with your four-legged buddy, help you identify their needs and wants, and assist you in preventing any undesirable behaviour.

From head tilting to tucking their tail between their legs, we’ll explore the various ways that dogs communicate with us and what they’re trying to tell us.

Head Tilting

Head tilting is a common behaviour that dogs exhibit when they’re trying to understand what you’re saying. By tilting their head, they’re trying to adjust their ears to better hear and comprehend the situation. It’s a sign that they’re engaged with you and trying to communicate.

Exposing Belly

One of the most common signs of affection that dogs display is exposing their belly. When your dog rolls over and shows you their belly, it means they trust you and feel safe in your company. Dogs are vulnerable when lying on their backs; therefore, if your dog shows you their belly, it means they are at ease around you. It’s also an excellent time to offer your dog some belly rubs, which they will undoubtedly appreciate. Additionally, however, exposing their belly can also be a sign of submission if they’re under attack, so be sure to look for signs of anxiety or stress, such as when they expose the whites of their eyes, tuck their ears down, or raise their hackles, in your dog before you rub their belly to make sure they’re comfortable.

Licking Their Rears

While it may appear strange to us, a dog licking their butt is a common behaviour, and they do it for a variety of reasons, including general grooming or itch relief. However, frequent licking can cause skin irritation or be a sign of a more serious medical condition, such as anal gland problems or parasites. If you find your dog excessively licking their rear end or any other region of their body, take them to the vet to establish the root of the problem. Additionally, you can learn more about your dog licking their butt in this article from Native Pet.


Digging is another common behaviour that dogs exhibit, but it can be difficult to understand what they’re trying to communicate. There are several reasons why dogs dig, including boredom, anxiety, or a desire to bury or retrieve something. If your dog is digging excessively, it’s important to identify the root cause and address it accordingly.

For example, suppose your dog is digging due to being bored. In that case, it’s vital to keep your dog occupied by offering plenty of options for stimulation, such as playing with toys, going for walks, or participating in other engaging activities. Alternatively, if your dog is digging to bury or retrieve anything, make sure they have a safe place to do it, such as a sandbox or dedicated digging area, as this will protect the rest of your backyard from your dog’s digging antics.

Additionally, you can also employ a trainer to help you redirect digging behaviours so that your dog focuses on more positive activities that don’t include destroying your backyard.

Raising Hackles

When a dog raises their hackles, it’s a sign that your dog is feeling threatened or scared and is trying to appear larger and more intimidating. It’s a natural instinct that dogs have to protect themselves from perceived threats. If your dog’s hackles are raised, it’s critical to determine the reason for their fear and seek ways to remove them from the situation. This could include removing them from a noisy or chaotic environment or introducing them to new people or animals slowly and carefully.

Tucking Their Tail Between Their Legs

It’s vital to pay attention to your dog’s body language to ascertain the underlying cause when they tuck their tail between their legs, which is a natural response to a perceived threat or unpleasant environment.

Your dog may be experiencing stress or anxiety if they are frequently tucking its tail. As well as removing them from situations that cause them distress, by providing them with a peaceful and supportive environment at home, plenty of exercises, and positive reinforcement for good behaviour, you can help alleviate their anxiety.

Summing Up

In conclusion, a crucial component of being a responsible and loving pet owner is knowing your dog’s behaviour. Every gesture and behaviour your dog exhibits, from head tilting to tucking its tail between its legs, has a specific meaning and message that they are attempting to convey to you.

In summary, you will have a stronger relationship with your dog, understand their needs better, and be able to correct any unpleasant behaviour if you are familiar with their nonverbal indications.