In 2011 I began Gracie Opulanza and I was really nervous because the simple reason in the fashion world, the definition of beauty is so warped and very controlled. The top magazines we all know so well, use the same female models to reconfirm that the majority of women just don’t fit the bill. One of my first ever written articles is about Kate Moss and why fashion magazines keep using her to promote beauty across the globe. We are saturated and even now with what the fashion world deems as beauty.
These magazines keep reinforcing that the only beauty we should really aspire too and buy into, is Cara Delevingne. I am so happy that Cara has decided to take a break from modeling, in her own words she suffers from depression. OMG if she suffers from depression how do the rest of us feel when we look in the mirror?
Define Beauty
As I said, when starting out I did YouTube videos and I quit because I stupidly thought in my mind: “Who on earth wants to look at me let alone listen to me”. I look at myself and in my mind I say: “Do I look like Kate Moss to you? What on earth and why the hell would I put myself out there as a fashion icon let alone a fashion blogger? If I compare myself to the fashion word beauty. Then to some I am beautiful, to most I am an acquired taste and to others I am just damn right ugly”. I talk myself out of it and it is something I still struggle with even today.
Now I am a christian and for many years I have read the scripture To define what is beautiful is difficult because beauty is, as the old saying goes, in the eyes of the beholder. Yeah right God, have you read VOGUE?
God’s Concept Of Beauty Is His Own
Now to me in my understanding is that, God’s concept of beauty is his own. No one defines for God his concept of beauty. If a person is beautiful to God, he fits God’s concept of beauty. God’s beautiful women: Rahab, Hannah, Ruth, Deborah, and Mary of Bethany. Those noted for physical beauty were often great spiritual disappointments. Rebekah was “very beautiful” (Genesis 26:7), but she was also a deceiver and manipulator. This makes sense if the world of fashion, and I speak from first hand experience. It’s the industry anyway, female models and their PR’s can be very much like Rebekah. Saul was a man of physical beauty, but his disobedience against God hurt the nation of Israel. This applies to men to as I have experienced as the female voice for menswear.
Peter directed Christian women to focus on the inner, spiritual qualities in order to be truly beautiful: “Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight. For this is the way the holy women of the past who put their hope in God used to make themselves beautiful” (1 Peter 3:3-5). Peter is not prohibiting nice clothes or nice hairstyles; he is simply saying that a gentle and quiet spirit is even more beautiful in God’s eyes. I love this because this is where I come into play. Manners get you places and also when I have reacted on a defense and become rude, it has cost me dearly in the world of fashion. Listen to my interview and I give you a teaser of how I get treated by the fashion organisation.
The qualities God wants in His people further reveal his concept of beauty. The beatitudes reveal some of God’s standards of beauty. An awareness of one’s spiritual poverty, sorrow for wickedness, hunger and thirst for righteousness, mercy, purity of heart, and being a peacemaker are all qualities of beauty. The epistles also stress attributes valued by God: keeping a living faith while enduring physical hardships, controlling the tongue, enduring personal harm to protect the church’s influence, making sacrifices for the good of others, and living by Christian convictions in the face of ridicule. All these are beautiful to God.
I try to be a peace maker but it is so damn hard in the world of fashion. When I get mistreated I tell you that scripture about turning the other cheek, is just not in my personality at times. I am so grateful God forgives and rescues me many times, from a making a right fool of myself. I have had to learn the hard way to portray my inner beauty. It has been a long hard journey so far but I have come along way.
UGLY Is Trending
Over the few months I have seen a trend forming in the UK and the USA where modeling agencies are trending down sydrome. Why is this happening, well it’s clear fashion marketing is dated and due to digital media including myself we can expose what is normal in our magazines. As a Social Media Influencer, you can’t ignore the growth of social media and the impact it’s having on the fashion and lifestyle industry. Yes I have three platforms in where I am seen and can encourage other females. Ugly is trending and you don’t have to be an up and coming model to do so. Even in the world of the silver screen, we are seeing more females who are being seen as ugly or unusual.
What we deem as everyday beauty, regarding the 2016 female image, is now lost its influence. Last week I read that the UK has been deemed as leading in to the world of obesity by 2020. Which makes sense over the few years that, there are plus size magazines now trending what the average female looks like. I have supported writers about this way back in 2013.
So Kate and Cara just don’t fit the bill in 2016 as female influencers in the world of where us women just are ugly to most when it comes to fashion marketing. As for Tyra Banks read how, America’s Next Top Model” is back for cycle 22 (8 p.m. Wednesday) and really, no one cares or watches it anymore. We don’t care because in 2016, it just does not fit or represent the female in the USA let alone the world. It’s upsetting for most women to watch these shows and also these fashion magazines. Ask yourself the question, when you look at fashion magazines, how do you feel flicking through those pages. Is it is a confidence booster or a harsh reality check, that you don’t belong in the world of fashion?
Gracie Can I Take Your Photo?
For me I am an older women so I have tough skin. So when I go to fashion weeks and see that gorgeous 20 year old getting all the shots. And I don’t even get a look, but on occasion, I get asked if they can take shots of my shoes. Nice one for my confidence. But recently at Paris Men’s Fashion Week 2016, I was taking shots of men for MenStyleFashion, there was a tap on the shoulder and three photographers said stop, don’t move. Lights, camera action. We want to take photo’s of you?
What the fashion just happened. Yes Ugly is in Vogue. If I can trend it, then so can you.

This is what I was wearing at Paris Fashion Week.
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