Turning fifty and feel you have no clue what to wear? At this age, I am sure ladies have mastered the skill of knowing what they feel confident in and what they look flattering in.
So here in Italy, I am always inspired by the ladies that walk the streets of Tuscany and showcase their personal style. The ladies over fifty here love to dress up and play with so many colours. They know their rules and they play by their own styling game.
The Italian women for me over fifty are some of the best-dressed ladies in the world.
Hair Colour
Whether it’s intentional or not they certainly are playful when it comes to hair colour. Silver hair has always been a hit here, well and truly before it was on the catwalk. Italian women are not afraid of short hairstyle either.
Make sure you choose your hairstylist well to get the right hair colour.
When it comes to understanding the art of layering the Italian women mean business. Their first goal is to make sure the clothes hang loosely and are practical. They never look like a sack of potatoes. They work the items so it looks stylish and functional. Depending on their colour palette it seems everything with frills and a cardigan works.
Give Love To Your Scarves
I am not fifty yet but for years already been wearing scarves to keep my neck warm. There are only two fabrics to use and that is silk and cashmere. They feel amazing on my skin and look expensive and are durable. Opt for beige and black reversible scarves as they blend with almost any colour and are versatile.
Brown & Black
I would never choose these colours when it comes to layering. However, after looking at this combination I am hooked. A black scarf with a black polo neck followed by a black belt looks like Julia Roberts walking the streets at Rodeo Drive in the movie Pretty Woman.
Stylish Knitted Mittens
Did you know that people can tell your age by your hands? To keep your hands warm and also if you don’t want to show your age. This cashmere knitted gloves look chic and keep you very warm. Go for a cable knot like above look how stylish its looks.
Long Slimming Jackets
Long jackets no only layer well with other items choosing the black and beige prints look elegant and slimming. They keep you warm and very practical to walk around in. In winter when opting out for a nice hot meal. They are a brilliant stylish blanket for your legs. Unless your very slim always choose thin wool long jackets for a slimming look.
A thicker jacket keeps you warm. So opt for an oversize beige jacket and make sure the scarf is your focal point when it comes to style. Choose scarves that have the same colour beige or browns as your jacket. Make sure the lining of your jacket is silk as when you get hot it is a fabric that keeps you cooler and allows more sweat to absorb within the silk.
This is the art of layering the right fabrics work well when it’s too hot or too cold. As you can see above beige and black will go with everything and it looks stylish too.
Midnight Blue
Midnight blue is a stunning colour for women to wear over fifty. It gives life to your style and stands out when walking the streets. Don’t be afraid to go for feathered like jackets with blue short prints to match. if you are seeking more floral print inspirations. Look no further at the lovely ladies in the film Steel Magnolias.
Velvet trousers look fabulous for women with larger thighs and legs.
Large Woolen Hats
You can never go wrong with wearing a stylish hat. I would opt for woollen or felt hat to keep your head warm. I like wide-brim hats that are foldable so when walking around they move with your walk. They also are light and easy to pack away without damaging your hat if you need too.
Flamboyant hats look fabulous on women over fifty. So go for feather inspired hats that add a chic style to your overlook.
The more feathers or roses on your hat, the more fun you will feel.
Opulent Eyewear
I notice women over fifty wear opulent eyewear. Eyewear is a massive form of expression and its likes wearing art on your face. Different styles are what I see on older women. I also notice they love to trend either white or black frames as it brings out more colour regarding their face.

Lowie 2021
Flat Pumps
Our feet widen and we want to have our feet firmly close to the ground. Our balance is not what it was like in our twenties. So without compromising our style. Pumps that have grip and plenty of colours can be teamed with beige and black. When it comes to flat shoes I love red.
These items above are all pieces I spotted in Italy. The women strolling around look the most stylish were over fifty. Now modern knitwear has made the art of layering more adventurous and stylish.
When you buy your knitwear and adore it. You can also use it as a blanket cape for those cold outdoor winter days.
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